Tubmill Trout Club Unlimited has been invited to work along with the “Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission” and “The Western Pennsylvania Conservancy” in Tubmill’s adjacent watershed known as the Shannon Creek Watershed. A small stream classified as a (HQ) High Quality (CWF) cold-water fishery, in its upper reaches, specifically above the “Buckeye Ludwig” cabin to it’s source in state game lands #42. Our work will improve water quality in Shannons downstream to the Conemaugh River confluence. Upper Shannon Creek has a thriving native Brook Trout population while middle sections may have, we’re not sure. Our aim is to create suitable habitat for native Brook Trout to re-populate the entire stream and continue recreational stocking for fishing. Thoughts in this direction were talked about after the new sewage collection system immensely helped stream water quality. While 20 years have passed since then, our next step is about to happen. Many fisherman enjoy native Brook Trout fishing. Our efforts will work to “bring Native Brookies back” to the entire creek length.

The University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown, Biology students have become a part of Shannon Creek’s ecosystem study. Dr. Mitzy Schaney and her students will take water samples, determine PH, dissolved solids, and other chemistry analysis, along with additional macro-invertebrate inventories at various places along Shannon Creek from the lower 1/3 of it’s length on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning March 5th. Trips to the stream will take place every Tuesday and Thursday for the weeks in March. Dave Slick Greg Schaetzle and Lin Gamble have worked with the youngsters as well.

Shannon Creek headwater source 6 miles above Wildcat Road from “Buckeyes cabin”.

As seen in the photo above, the stream just suddenly appears from under tree roots and rocks. What an impressive walk and the beauty of it all was fantastic. Greg Schaetzle and I made this journey as I took photos and Greg collected data such as ph at all water sources as they popped out of the ground here and there. They were all GPS located and detailed descriptions made of the stream gradient, stream-bed composition, stream bank conditions an what was in and around the stream in general. More pictures below.

This water is pristine, exceptional, dip your cup in and drink it water. Our tour included every foot of stream from each of three tributaries in State Game lands above New Florence. A long day it was.

Students seine for insect life then search through the leaf litter finding stone fly, caddis fly and other larvae. the material in the seine will be searched under a microscope for a detailed inventory. The next study phase will be electro fishing. this is where all the swimming critters and fish will be determined.